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Sunday, November 3, 2013


as in... Madness
that spurs move, forced and chosen dislocation, exile
both "self-"imposed as well as
from gargantuan Other;
Tyrant so sick
He permanently burrows himself into all further generations'
responsibilities for Healing.

Oh... young people. Young people who are people who are
all Youth and perspicacity
chaotic sharpness, incendiary and relentless
or else; all too easily defeated
reposed in bed, without glory nor the Will to it

Asylum, as in
sought, chosen
as in, Madness
as in some midnight sky of dangerous noises
inspiring departure

I feel pain, and know asylum
I sought refuge and now see asylum
I speak because I choose to reclaim all metaphor
from the co-optation of government
rendering other humans as the parts of ourselves
that we are unwilling to face

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