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Monday, April 22, 2013

Indigeneity, Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy

"Instead, as I have also argued, we may wish to rearticulate our understanding of white supremacy by not assuming that it is enacted in a single fashion; rather, white supremacy is constituted by separate and distinct, but still interrelated, logics. I would argue that the three primary logics of white supremacy in the US context include: (1) slaveability/anti-black racism, which anchors capitalism; (2) genocide, which anchors colonialism; and (3) orientalism, which anchors war."


What keeps us trapped within our particular pillars of white supremacy is that we are seduced by the prospect of being able to participate in the other pillars. For example, all non-Native peoples are promised the ability to join in the colonial project of settling indigenous lands. All non-black peoples are promised that if they conform, they will not be at the bottom of the racial hierarchy. And black and Native peoples are promised that they will advance economically and politically if they join US wars to spread “democracy”. Thus, organising by people of colour must be premised on making strategic alliances with one another, based on where we are situated within the larger political economy. Coalition work is based on organising not just around oppression, but also around complicity in the oppression of other peoples as well as our own."

- Andrea Smith, 'Indigeneity, Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy', from Global Dialogue Vol 12 No 2, Summer/Autumn 2010


  1. ... which of course leads me to wonder what shape this might take in Australia. We have the genocide pillar - open to anyone non-Aboriginal; the White Australia pillar – open to anyone European... need more thinking...

    the Imperial Running Dog pillar - open to anyone prepared to swear allegiance to whichever Imperium we're currently serving?

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