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Friday, May 30, 2014

Reflections on Dialogue

A few ideas underlying the writing of this post:
1. That we are all very very busy
2. That we all think we are very very busy
3. That I cannot claim to represent the views or practices of "we/us all"
4. That written essays online addressing the views of others is inviting a form of conversation
5. That this form of conversation necessarily differs from conversation in person
6. The former form of conversation in point 4 (written essays online) can be interpreted and misinterpreted in a series of ways that both overlap with and are distinct from the those of the latter form of conversation in point 5 (in person)

This means:
I can write and write and write for the purposes of being read and read and read (and interpreted and shared and asked questions of and held to account for, etc.)
and this can be quite sharpening of my spheres of ethical concern and intellectual ability, in incorporating the feedback of a diverse range of possible audiences...

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