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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Thoughts on Digi-Media

After this long hiatus from Blogger.

A reflection on various forms of digital mass media (especially with high-speed internet), and revisiting some familiar metaphors.

Porn: The "McDonaldisation" of sex.
Facebook: The "McDonaldisation" of my social self.

Just as the former desensitises me to "real" (read: in-person) sex, real partnership, sensuality, etc.
So the latter desensitises me to "real" (read: in-person) social relations, political dialogue, etc.

They also have their "uses".

Facebook can expose me to new ideas, new perspectives, etc.
Porn can expose me to new positions, new bodies, etc.

More likely though, especially if mindlessly perused (which is what various porn/FB media platforms tend to be designed to encourage):
That they entrench me in my existing views and habits, or at the very least, trigger me to exaggerated contempt about others' entrenched views and habits.

Facebook will keep me in loops with an outraged and aggrieved Left-wing sensibility (given who and what shows up on my newsfeed).
Porn will keep me addicted to particular notions of the desireable body, or of exciting sex acts (regardless of whether or not I actually enjoy these in "real life").

Facebook will trigger status anxiety, self-esteem issues, questioning (not in an entirely healthy way) my own "value" in my political views (i.e. whether I'm "radical enough").
Porn will have me negating the value of my own body, the sensations of my own interior world.

So... I leave it all be, for the moment.
"Fasting" again, from all this hypnosis.

Letting myself hunger again, to connect with life as it is.

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