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Friday, October 3, 2014

A new form of loneliness

Loneliness can exist, of course, all throughout the time of growth and development.

One distinction for the loneliness I sporadically experience (or which, perhaps, underlies even my most crimson moments of sweet solitude), is that these days, compared to when I was younger, my loneliness is no longer quite so wedded to victimhood.

An old blog I used to write in had the tagline "I opt to be misunderstood".

Of course, this was intentionally provocative; It spoke as much about my rebellion as it did about my desire to be loved, cared for, and indeed, understood and comprehended.

These days, there is a loneliness which presupposes that, actually, there will indeed be times when I will not be understood, and that this misunderstanding may be as much about others' lack of capacities to understand as it may be about either my own inability to communicate something comprehensibly, or about my own defeatedness about the elusive nature of "comprehension"; allowing myself to be swallowed up in the identification with Mystery.

Not to "be mysterious", but to be ... allowing of Mystery to be what works its way through me/us, or that supercedes any human attempt at comprehension.

This loneliness is victimless.

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