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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Suffered Enough

Haven't you suffered enough?!
Breathe, dear friend,
Enemy, even... breathe:
We can fight again tomorrow...

Our other work, all through this while,
when we have the space: to work on healing the rifts
inside our own hearts and minds.

Be kind, yes,
even to those who hurt us,
Not least, to ourselves...
We are all wounded soldier-prisoners of a war
that we have only inherited.

Friday, October 19, 2012


You will not find proof of God in a book,
So Stop Looking
and there She is!
They are! in myriad Forms (all formless beauty,

integrated Ugliness,
fucking poseurs
more Authentically Me than I've ever been)

oh dear:
I'm a Theist in Atheist Buddhist garb,
perfectly loose clothing for meditation...
I am slumped over the wheel of civilisational carcrash
slow bleeding anomie from my forehead,
jaw crushed from too much proselytising
my mouth permanently shaped into an "Om"
or an "Oops"...

...Lord knows which!