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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Sketch of an Interview project


It seems a lot of blog posts, in general, are monological: They involve the voice of one writer who paraphrases, or summarises things that they've read.
I'm interested in the sense of meaning-making that comes from dialogical accounts. Conversations that happen between people. "Interviews," would be one format, but the other is the sense of the voice of two or more people involved in generating topical ideas.

The proposal:
To dialogue with friends here in Australia about issues/topics we find interesting. Time limit our conversations to 45 minutes. Record the conversations. Transcribe the conversations. And then put them up online so that there is an availability of English-language primary documents from Australia on a variety of different ideas/discourses that are usually more North-American / European-dominated.

Some ideas of topics I'd like to cover:
Integral Theory
Race, Racism, and Whiteness
Aboriginal issues
Disability and Theology
Futures Studies
Environmental issues and Climate Change
Queer futures

I'd likely publish these dialogues on a separate site... Details to come!

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