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Friday, February 3, 2012


I am moving to Melbourne from Sydney in early March, to explore a period of calm gestation of ideas and Being... I will be writing for on a monthly basis, covering IDon'tKnowWhat, but it should prove interesting.

I am recommitting to blogging here on Psychonaut Erotica, with some loose plans on turning this more into an online "Zine" rather than a blog, so that we can have featured pieces by featured writers, and a loose-knit hierarchy of editors as we are able to commit. I'm exploring the idea of an online writer's community, exploring ideas of spirituality, and moving beyond the malaise that can come from the privilege/excess as well as the poverty of postmodernity...

In the meantime, here are a few things I would like to explore:
1. Themes of topics I want to explore and write about in more depth
2. More photographic journalism, in my forays into Melbourne's urbanscape
3. Reflecting on my Professional World(s) that I have been in
4. Integrating my slow re-emergence into Facebook, and ideally how this can positively influence the growing of a Zine (rather than detract from my commitment to Psychonaut Erotica, as it has thus far been)

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