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Sunday, August 21, 2011

On meditating...

You have just accepted an invitation to be with yourself.
There is nothing between you and god.
Let your intention be love and all else will follow.

Let the darkness soothe you as you abandon your defenses
slowly and lovingly, because it’s safe now.
It always was and always will be.
Let your heart open to itself and feel the fear dissipate as
you sit and sink into the Now, free and unafraid.

You may meet your pain along the way; a fleeting thought, a tightening of the chest,
or perhaps a dead weight which you have always felt and carried.
Greet them like old friends for they have been with you your whole life
and whether by some blessing or grace, you have been entrusted with them.

Step into the shadows
and discover the light you have been searching for.
Embrace your darkest self
and discover what courage may dwell alongside your fears,
what joy may lie among your sorrows
 and what peace may be found amidst the chaos of your existence.

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