"Our body is the Bodhi tree,
Our mind is a bright mirror with stand,
Diligently we wipe them all the time,
And let no dust alight."
- Shin Shau
"There is no Bodhi Tree
Nor stand of a mirror bright,
Since all is Voidness,
Where can dust alight?"
- Hui Neng (6th Patriarch of Ch'an/Zen)
It is Hui Neng who becomes 6th Patriarch of Ch'an, Hui Neng whose explosive realisation cuts through Shin Shau's dualism. Yet Hui Neng's proposition (on Voidness) exists because of the form Shin Shau's proposition took...
Hui Neng's verse alone, un-juxtaposed upon the former verse which it is negating, is itself meaningless... Thesis, Antithesis, and the retrospective Synthesis of seeing both verses together... To see even the non-duality of Hui Neng and Shin Shau.
There remains:
The Dharma that is no-Dharma...
The realisation that is no-realisation...
No creed, nor point, nor path...
Nor any sentient beings to save
This elucidates precisely that which cannot be understood.
Further commentary is pointless.
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